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Create/refresh doxygen documentation for CORAL and COOL#

There are 2 websites containing the doxygen generated documentation: Doxygen for CORAL and Doxygen for COOL. To generate this documentation please follow the instructions described here:

Doxygen for CORAL#

yum -y install doxygen
yum -y install graphviz
#doxygen for coral:
cd $CORAL_FOLDER/src/config/doxygen/
mkdir ../../doc/
mkdir ../../doc/doxygen
doxygen Doxyfile_CORAL.cfg 
# the files are generated in $CORAL_FOLDER/src/doc/doxygen/html

Doxygen for COOL#

yum -y install doxygen
yum -y install graphviz
#doxygen COOL:
# put the lcgcool/doc project in cool/src/
git clone ssh://
cd $COOL_FOLDER/src/config/doxygen
doxygen Doxyfile_COOL.cfg
# the file are generated there: $COOL_FOLDER/src/doc/doxygen/html/

Updating the websites#

To host the websites, an eos project was requested.

The site management is done via a web interface called "a web console" provided here.

All the files for the websites for CORAL and COOL are located in eos: /eos/project/c/coralcool-web/www/CORAL-doxygen and /eos/project/c/coralcool-web/www/COOL-doxygen. To update the documentation, you need to replace the content of these folders with the files you generated in the previous section.